Heber & Effie Murdock my grandparents – taken from Memories of the farm Heber, Utah 1916-1930. My Aunt Mary Murdock Stroud describes the sewing machine.
“She had an old sewing machine and Grandfather Murdock could find anything in the trash pile, anything and he found an old machine that had been in a fire and she’d be sewing along and the bobbin would pop out and she’s have to work around and get the bobbin to go back in and sew a little bit more. One day a salesman came by and he was selling Singer sewing machines. She decided that she was going to have a new sewing machine. So she got enough money together and the man let her have the sewing machine on time and then she had a real hard time to get enough money to pay for that machine, but she was enjoying it all the time and sewing all kinds of clothes on it for us kids. She said one time the man came to collect and she thought she’d hide in the bedroom and she wouldn’t let him know she was there. But we were kinda lucky, we had a dog named Old Prong. Old Prong saw this man coming and he started sneaking up on him like he did, crawling on his stomach ready to nip his heels and he climbed up on the fence. He didn’t dare come down, I can’t remember now if Mother finally came out and saved him and told him she didn’t have the money or just how it ended.”
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